Royal Viking Nile Cruise Offer selling out!

Royal Viking Nile CruiseThe £599 offer for the Royal Viking Nile cruise in May, June and early July is starting to sell out.  It really is great value when you think that the same cruise in November is £1049 and in December is 1149 you can see the great savings.

Obviously its’ a bit cooler in November and December but if you can take advantage of travelling over the next month or two you will be saving an awful lot of money in comparison.

The Royal Viking is a beautiful ship and we get great reports back from clients.  Barbara and I hope to be sailing on the Royal Viking a bit later this year, (maybe we’ll see you on board), and we’ll be recording a whole lot of video and photographs for the website.

In the meantime if you need any information at all about the great offer please don’t’ hesitate to call either Barbara or myself, Colin, on Freephone 0808 1089 100.