Nile Cruise Notebook PC bought.

Well, after looking at the idea of getting a Flickr Pro account and finding that you can only upload videos of up to 90 seconds I decided to buy a “netbook” or “notebook ” pc.

That way I know that as the Flip Video Camera fills up with video footage I can upload it to the netbook and, where possible, upload it to our Nile Cruise Blog.

After a bit of resaerch I bought the Asus 109hHA. I think it has a 16gb hard drive, built in camera, etc and it’s really light. So it will be much easier than lugging around a heavy laptop.

Now I just need to find a WordPress plugin that will automatically add new video footage onto the Nile Cruises 4u website.

So, back to the drawing board!

Need Notebook pc for our trip

I have been trying to think of a way to upload the video we hope to take from the Flip camera onto some sort of portable device so that when the camera is full we don’t grind to a halt.

I’ve done a lot of searching on the web but haven’t seen any solution so we are planning to have to lug my laptop around.

But Barbara has come up with a suggestion that I think might work. She has suggested we buy a notebook pc and take that with us instead. Notebook are smaller and lighter than laptops and we could upload the footage to that to clear the Flip each night.

So I’ll be researching the best notebook I can get forvthe best price. If anyone has any recommendations I would be grateful for any advice at all.

Nile Cruise office see Jimmy Webb

Just been over to Manchester to see the wonderful Jimmy Webb play at The Northern School of Music. Brilliant gig. He had his 4 sons playing with him as well as Glen Campbell’s son on drums.

He talked and sang for nearly 2 hours. So many hits he wrote for so many people.

I’m going to put together a compilation of his music to take with us on our forthcoming Nile cruise and Cairo trip so we can play his tracks in the evening when we relax.

Our Egypt Trip – More Testing

I am testing out the various ways that we are going to add content from our forthcoming trip to Egypt.  One of the things we are hoping to do is use the AudioBoo app from my iPhone to add daily comments to the blog.

Here’s a short AudioBoo recorded earlier which was done just to ensure that the whole concept was working.  Over the next day or two I’m hoping to find a method to automatically add the AudioBoo to the Nile Cruise blog from a remote location.