Nile Cruise Tips #9

Because of the worldwide threat of terrorism you may have your belongings (camera bags, carrier bags, etc), searched before gaining admittance. Though this is annoying it is for your safety. Also, on some sites they do not allow video cameras to be used and they will ask you to leave your video equipment with them at the enterance. Dont’ worry it will be perfectly safe.

To read more Nile Cruise Tips why not download the FREE Nile Cruise Guide.

Nile Cruise Tips #7

You should wear sensible footwear when visiting the various sites. High heels and open toe shoes are not advisable. The floors of most sites are either sand or rough-cut uneven stone. Inside many tombs wooden floorboards have been installed and thin heels could get caught in the gaps between the floorboards.

To read more Nile Cruise Tips why not download the FREE Nile Cruise Guide.

Kenya Video

Sorry, I know this is the Nile Cruise Blog but I couldnt’ resist adding this video which we posted onto our Kenya Holidays blog this morning.

Some of you may know that our other website is our Kenya Holidays website and this video, which I found on Google was made by Harvey Croze as he flew over Amboseli National Park in Kenya. Its’ so atmospheric when you listen to the music too. By the way the music is the “Out Of Africa” theme tune.

Hope you enjoy the flight!