River Cruises

As well as our love of Nile cruise holidays we are also interested in the whole concept of River Cruises worldwide and there is a small section on the Nile Cruises 4u website that shows just some of the River Cruise offers that we can obtain for you.

Yangtse River Cruise

I think the idea of cruising down the Yangtse River in China or taking the Russian Rhapsody tour (which will give you a different perspective of Russia) sound absolutely brilliant. It’s what travel is really all about.

Did you know there are river cruises on The Rhine, from Paris to Prague, Holland, the romantic Danube, the heart of Normandy and Burgundy and Provence.

If you’ve cruised the Nile you’ll know what a wonderful experience river cruising really is.

Please take a look at our River Cruises page if you get the time and if you would like information about any of the destinations I’ve mentioned please call Barbara on Freephone 0808 1089 100

Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel.

In our latest interview for the Nile Cruise Podcast, I spoke to Lorraine Flack, one of our clients who has taken three Nile cruises so far.

When I asked Lorraine what her highlight was from all of the trips and excursions she has taken during her three cruises she told me that by far it was Abu Simbel.

Abu Simbel - Nile Cruise

You can hear Lorraine’s description of Abu Simbel in our next Nile Cruise Podcast which will be posted up on the Nile Cruise Podcast page on Monday, (15th October).

In the meantime, I thought it would be useful if I posted a link to Su Bayfield’s wonderful Egypt Sites website and her description of Abu Simbel. Su is also a wonderful photographer and you will see a lot of Su’s photographs of Abu Simbel on her website.

Last Minute Nile Cruise

Last Minute Nile Cruise

If you are one of those travellers who really do need to leave their arrangements until the very last minute, please dont’ hesitate to call us if you think you might like to take a last minute Nile cruise.

Normally Barbara can fix you up with the cruise segment of your trip, (not always, of course), but its’ usually the last-minute flight that can be a problem. But, more often than not, we can fix you up.

So…if you are thinking of taking a last minute Nile cruise please call Barbara on Freephone 0808 1089 100 and let us try.

Nile Cruise Podcast – Now on Apple iTunes Music Store!!

Nile Cruise Podcast – Now on Apple iTunes Music Store!!

Yep, you can now subscribe to the Nile Cruise Podcast at the ITunes Music Store. That way you can click the “Subscribe” button and ensure that each new edition is automatically downloaded to your iTunes application and then onto your iPod or MP3 player. You can still listen to the Nile Cruise Podcast on your computer but if you want to listen to the show on your way to work or at any other time you can download it to listen to when you please.

I completed a great interview yesterday for next Mondays’ show and I’m just editing it today. Watch out for the new edition.